2017 New Year’s Resolutions for Young Drivers

Happy 2017! At Top Driver, our main focus is to teach young people how to drive safely and intelligently. In today’s age, staying focused while driving is as difficult as it’s ever been before. That’s why for 2017, we’d like to challenge young drivers (and parents, too!) to set New Year’s resolutions and stick to them while driving.


  • I will never text, go on social media, or use my phone in any capacity while driving. No matter how important you think a text or notification is, you should pull off to the side of the road or wait until you’ve reached your destination to respond to the text message.


  • I will obey the speed limit. It’s easy to disregard the speed limit, even for experienced drivers. That’s why it’s important to establish the habit of frequently checking the speed limit while you’re first starting to drive. Make it a habit in 2017 to follow the posted speed limits.


  • I will leave early to reach my destination on time. People speed because they’re late. Speeding can lead to two major issues: getting a ticket, or even worse, causing a collision. Avoid having to speed by leaving early so that you won’t feel rushed. This way you can feel relaxed and driving cautiously.


  • I will always wear a seat belt. Not only should you wear you seat belt every time you get behind the wheel, you should ensure that all of your passengers have their seat belts on, as well. Get in the habit of checking before you leave the driveway.


  • I will never drink and drive. If you’re under 21, you shouldn’t be drinking at all. If you’re over 21, be very smart when you go out. Today, getting a safe ride home is easier than ever with driving services available at the push of a button. Make a pledge to never drink and drive.

A New Year is a great opportunity for young drivers to have a fresh start. If you notice some driving habits that you can improve upon, take the New Year to press the reset button and establish safe and efficient driving habits. Nobody is perfect, but if you spend some time to consider how you can drive more safely using the guidelines above, you can help make our roads a safer place in 2017.

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