Driving With Pets

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Wait Awhile Before Driving with Pets

While you may be eager to start driving with your pet, that is not the best idea. You are just starting to get used to driving by yourself. Having a pet in the car can act as an additional distraction. Instead of just focusing on yourself, you might be tempted to pet your dog or talk to your cat. Also, if your pet gets loose from the seat or crate, the animal could jump to where you are sitting and cause an accident. Wait until you are comfortable with driving before you bring your pets along for a ride. Unlike people, pets don’t understand you need to concentrate on driving and are more apt to misbehave.

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Long Walks Before the Trip With Your Pet

Dogs can have a lot of energy and some will get restless while riding in a car, so take your dog for a long walk before you go. It allows your dog to use the bathroom before and a long long will help tire the dog out. A tired dog is more likely to lay down and go to sleep in the car leading to less risk of a distraction for you.

Crates and Car Seats For Your Pet

Look on the market for crates and car seats that are suitable for the size of your pet. These units help to keep your pets restrained in the event of an accident. However, not all of these devices are made with the same strength. Some are not strong enough to keep your pet safe in the event of a serious accident. Make sure that you don’t choose a flimsy car seat or a crate that could easily open and release your pet. These types of restraints also help to keep your pet from distracting you while you are driving.

Remember, if you have any trouble with the pet’s restraint while you are driving to find a safe location to pull over and correct the problem. Do not attempt to fix it while you are driving.

Someone to Watch the Pet

Make sure to bring a passenger along, such as a parent, when you are driving with a pet. This way your parent will be able to take care of your pet if there are any issues and if you become distracted your parent can take over driving.

Windows and Airbags

When your pets are in the car, you need to put the child safety locks on. A pet could step on the window buttons, open the window and get stuck or fall out of the car. You also need to be careful about airbags. The strength of an airbag coming out could crush and kill an animal. Some people let their pets roam around the front seat, but the back seat does not pose the same threat with air bags. You should speak to your vet about the size of your pet and airbag safety.

Don’t Leave Pets in the Car

You might think that you’re just running in the store quickly, so you can leave your pet in the car. That is not true. Someone could break in and steal the pet. Also, even on a cool day the temperatures inside of a car can become unsafe for animals in a short period of time. Play it safe and don’t like your pet in the car alone.

Driving with your pet means that you can go different places together, but you need to keep these tips in mind to make the trip safer for you both. Most importantly do not drive with pets in the car when you first start driving; you need time to develop your driving skills without needless distractions.

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