Driving skills can change. If you’re worried about someone’s driving it might be time to have them take a cognitive driver assessment. In partnership with SafeWay Driver Fitness Centers, Top Driver provides an on-road driving evaluation which is an objective and unbiased assessment.
Definition of Cognitive Driver Assessment
A cognitive driver assessment predicts the quality of vehicle handling and identifies the risk level in healthy and more challenged individuals with different pathologies. The On-Road Evaluation is the world’s leading technology for providing fair and accurate information about the medically at-risk driver. The SafeWay/Top Driver cognitive driver assessment is scientifically developed and validated through award winning university research and extensive development.Driving assessment should be evaluated regularly, and more frequently for those experiencing driving issues.
Signs of Someone Who Needs a Driver Assessment
- Unaware of driving errors
- Close calls
- Driving too slowly
- Unaware of other vehicles
- Missing traffic signs
- Getting lost or confused
- Decline in the ability to perform everyday tasks
- Memory loss
- Disorientation
- Trouble maintaining balance
4 Reasons to Consider a Driver Assessment
- Validation in your driving capabilities.
- If your eyesight has worsened you may benefit from learning how these changes could be impacting your driving.
- A new medical condition may inhibit your range of motion, thus impacting your response time while driving.
- If you have been told that you should stop or limit driving — seek another opinion.
What is Measured in the Cognitive Driver Assessment?
This valuable testing tool measures multiple skills and abilities in regard to safe driving including:
- Ability to estimate distances and speeds
- Manual dexterity
- Time perception
- Attention
- Auditory and visual perception
- Reaction time
If you are worried about a loved one’s driving ability, contact SafeWay for additional information or to schedule an assessment at (888) 306-1119.
Make sure to check out our recent blog post, “Teen Driver Tips: Merging, Passing & Turning” for more information on how to keep your teen driver safe.