Author Archives: Paul Zalatoris

Snow Driving Tips

When you’re driving in the winter (particularly if it’s your first winter driving) it can be a little bit intimidating. When the first snow falls you’re surrounded by drivers who aren’t necessarily making the most intelligent driving decisions. Top Driver has compiled a list of our favorite snow driving tips to keep you safe and […]

Is Online Driving School in Illinois Right For Me?

As the first driving school in Illinois approved for online driver’s education instruction, Top Driver can help you complete your course quickly and conveniently. One of the largest driving schools in the Midwest, the addition of online training to their curriculum will help them meet the needs of more people throughout Illinois. By building on a program […]

Rules of the Road: Passing

Knowing when it is safe to pass and when it’s not can save your life. Here are Top Driver Education’s rules of the road for passing. Never Pass if… …the car in front of you is already going the maximum speed limit. If you have to speed in order to pass the car in front […]

Choosing a Driving School

Top Driver wants to make sure that you have all the information you need to choose the perfect driving school for you or your child. Visit us online at or call (888) 471-5418 today! Laying a Solid Foundation Keep in mind that when you’re choosing a good driving school, it’s critical that you be engaged and […]

Prepare for Your Driving Test

Preparing for your driving test can be nerve wracking. Even if you feel somewhat prepared by your driving school and hours on the road, it’s still an intimidating experience and something that you’ve never done before. Top Driver Education wants you to feel as prepared as you possibly can. Visit us online at or call (888) […]

Moving Between States – What You Need to Remember

  When you’re moving from one state to another, there can be a lot to keep in mind. From securing a job to ensuring that all your belongings arrive safely, your moving checklist may be overwhelming already. However, Top Driver wants to make sure that you don’t forget some of the most important moving to-dos: […]

Little Known Traffic Laws

Typically when you’re getting pulled over, you know you’ve been speeding, are not wearing your seatbelt, or have somehow committed a moving violation. However, if you’re getting pulled over and you have no idea why, take note! These little known traffic violations could be to blame. To learn more about Top Driver Education visit us […]

Woman driving a car

5 Driving Tips That Could Save Your Life

It can be easy to hop in your car every day and go about your business, forgetting that you’re in a powerful machine that’s moving very fast! If you’re not careful and conscious, you could do some serious damage to your vehicle and yourself. Here are Top Driver’s top five favorite tips for staying safe […]

Illinois and Michigan roundabouts: Myths and Mastery

Illinois and Michigan Roundabouts: Myths and Mastery

Do you dread roundabouts? Does the idea of even executing a roundabout make your heart pitter patter? You aren’t alone. Read further for why many roadways have roundabouts and the 5 common myths about them. What is a Roundabout? Modern roundabouts differ vastly from older traffic circles. The older method involved a convergence of roads […]

Recent Teen Driving Study

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