Tag Archives: safe driving

driving in rain chicago

Driving In Heavy Rain

Getting stuck driving in heavy rains can be a scary experience. Your car could hydroplane, it’s harder to brake quickly and accidents are much more common. Here are some tips for safe driving in a rainstorm. Turn your headlights on Rain reduces visibility on the road, making it harder to see approaching cars and judge […]

unwritten rules of the road

Driving Etiquette

When you get your learner’s permit and study to take your driving test, there are lot of road rules you have to learn to get a license. You know all the laws and regulations and illegal moves that’ll get you a ticket, but what about basic driving etiquette? What are the unwritten rules of the […]

driving violations drivers ed

Most Common Driving Violations

Getting a traffic ticket is no fun. It causes a time delay from getting pulled over, usually costs a few hundred dollars in fines, add points to your license, cause your insurance costs to go up, and may even require you to go to traffic school. People who’ve been driving for a long time may […]

Woman driving in heavy traffic

Tips for Dealing with Heavy Traffic

Few things are more frustrating than getting stuck in a massive traffic jam. Whether it’s caused by an accident on the road, construction or just general rush hour backup, driving in traffic is less than ideal. It can also be dangerous. Here are some tips for driving when there are a lot of other cars […]

when it's time to change your oil

Why You Actually Need an Oil Change

If you have no oil in your car’s engine, the metal pieces are rubbing together as you drive, creating friction. Oil lubricates your engine and keeps it from overheating. You can’t run a car without any oil in it. You probably aren’t doing that, since most cars will have oil in them when you buy. […]

tips for driving at night

Tips for Driving at Night

Without proper precautions, night driving can be very dangerous and unsuspecting. Your ability to plan ahead is just as important as your ability to alertly drive. Top Driver has identified some potential tips that will help you get through any necessary night trips. To learn more about Top Driver, visit us online as www.topdriver.com or […]

Driving Tips for Less-Than-Perfect Driving Conditions

At some point or another, we all have to drive in sub-par weather and/or road conditions. Being aware of the risks associated with such conditions can make a big difference in overall safety–and it is especially important for teenagers and young drivers who lack driving experience. In this article, we will discuss a few of […]

Driving in April Showers

Spring weather can be extremely unpredictable and create some dangerous driving conditions. Top Driver has created our top list of spring driving tips. To learn more about Top Driver Education visit us online at www.topdriver.com or call (888) 471-5418. Anticipate Gusts When gusty winds start to crop up, do your best to anticipate and counteract […]

Driving in Spring

Spring weather can be extremely unpredictable and create some dangerous driving conditions. Top Driver has created our top list of potential road hazards that you may encounter in the spring time. To learn more about Top Driver Education visit us online at www.topdriver.com or call 1 (800) 374-8373. Rain & Flooding Rain and flooding conditions can […]

The Ins & Outs of Snow Tires

If you live in a cold weather state like Illinois, you’ve probably heard of snow tires – or winter tires. However the details of these particular tires can be elusive to first time buyers. Top Driver wants to make sure you know the ins and outs of snow tires before you make this big investment […]

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