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Top 5 Reasons Your Check Engine Light is On

You’re driving down the road, not a care in the world, and then you notice something — your check engine light has illuminated. While it is important to inspect your vehicle shortly after the check engine light appears, it may not be a reason to panic. There are a number of reasons why it turned […]

How to Troubleshoot an Oil Leak

Have you ever noticed greasy pools in your driveway or garage? If so, your car could be experiencing an oil leak. As a responsible driver you should check your vehicle regularly for issues that can result in injury or vehicle collisions. Checking your oil level should be priority when running through your maintenance checklist. If […]

How do you properly change a tire

How to Change a Tire Safely

You’re driving along a stretch of highway, enjoying a beautiful summer day. Construction season is seemingly never out-of-style as you slow down to pass a road crew tearing up the lane next to you. Out of nowhere, you feel your car abruptly tilt to one side. That’s because you just drove over a nail and […]

4 Major Causes of Traffic Collisions

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey,” over 97% of all motor vehicle crashes are caused by driver error. This is why motor vehicle crashes are not called “accidents” by law enforcement and driver education professionals. Accidents are just that, unintentional, unforseen mistakes. They happen all the time. We accidentally drop […]

What is buzzed driving?

What is Buzzed Driving?

“Every day, 29 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This is one death every 50 minutes,” according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). It’s important to evaluate your warning signs of impairment. If you have consumed ANY alcohol, you should not get behind the wheel. […]

What to Do In the Case of a Minor Car Crash

At some time or another, you may find yourself faced with what to do during a minor car crash. Don’t panic. While an unexpected auto collision can wrattle the nerves of even the most experienced drivers, remain calm and think through these helpful steps. Move your vehicle to the side of the road or out […]

8 Bad Driving Habits to Kick Quick

Even the most experienced drivers pick-up a bad driving habit or two. All of the bad driving habits on this list are some of the most common offenses and directly contribute to distracted driving. According to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed 3,450 lives in 2016 alone. You owe it to yourself […]

Confident Driving: 6 Tips to Increase Your Confidence While Driving

Learning how to drive and to do it well, takes time and practice. There isn’t a magic wand you can wave to instill confidence in yourself, but there are actionable steps you can take over time to improve your confidence while driving. Here are 6 tips to assist you in confident driving. Practice Often. To […]

How to Master the U-turn

If you find yourself having inadvertently turned down a dead-end road, or that the road ahead is blocked, you will need to get your vehicle turned around safely. You can do so by executing a safe and proper U-Turn, if road width permits. A 3-Point Turn may be necessary for narrower roadways. Learn how to […]

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